Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Boxes for Baseball Cards

Baseball Card Boxes are commonly available with 1 to 5 rows, each holding anywhere from 500 to 800 cards. Baseball Cards are typically laid on their longer edged sides in the baseball card boxes rows, though there are some options available where the cards sit upright instead.

You may be wondering why you should spend your hard earned money on special basball card boxes rather than just save a couple of bucks and reuse an ordinary old box you've got lying around the house already. If the storage box you use isn't sized appropriately to keep the baseball cards from moving around they're bound to get damaged at some point. Shoe boxes are a popular choice among the uninformed but they are thin and flimsy and they'll eventually bend or break at some point while being handled causing the cards to move around and get damaged. Specialized boxes are well worth the money, and they’re super cheap.

Typically boxes will store anywhere from 500 to 800 cards in each row. This is a good storage option if you have thousands of cards and it’s become impractical to store them all in binders or individual plastic baseball card holders. Storing large quantities of cards in baseball card boxes gives you a great safe place to keep those common low-value cards that we tend to accumulate when collecting cards over the years.

It’s most common for baseball card boxes to be made out of cardboard, which is completely fine for most scenarios. Plastic boxes are also available though they are usually more expensive and a lot more difficult to find, they're typically not worth the extra cost though. The cardboard boxes are pretty tough if you get good ones and as long as you aren’t stacking them floor to ceiling they’ll keep your cards nice and safe.

You can find baseball card storage boxes at most of the same places you can buy other types of baseball card holders.. Local card shops, card shows, WalMart, Target, Amazon or eBay are all places to look.

I usually prefer to order online and typically will default to Amazon over eBay, though both are good options most of the time.

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